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Reminder: MAP Testing

MAP Winter Assessments begin next week. Please note the following dates to help prepare your student(s).

English Language Arts MAP is 1/24-1/25 in ELA classes

Math MAP is 1/31/-2/1 in Math classes

Make up MAP is 2/6-2/8 in the Library

How can you best prepare your child for these assessments?

  • Have your student at school, all day, every day unless they are ill. If possible, please plan or rearrange medical/dental appointments to not interfere with the testing dates.

  • Students should come to school well-rested and having eaten their breakfast, so their brains are in full-drive mode!

  • Students must arrive at school with laptops fully charged, a pair (or two!) of earbuds/headphones that attach directly to their laptop (wireless earbuds are not allowed for testing) and a silent reading book.


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