Stay Connected
There are multiple ways to stay connected with Tolt Middle School and the Riverview School District.
PARENT SQUARE - A unified app for school communication. Families can now receive all announcements from the district, your children’s schools and teachers in one place. There are options to specify how and when you are notified (email, text, or app). CLICK HERE for more Information or sign in HERE. ​​​
TOLT MIDDLE SCHOOL CALENDAR - CLICK HERE to view the Tolt Middle School Calendar. Click on the date to see a full list of that day's events.
TOLT TIMES - SUBSCRIBE to our Tolt Times news feed and stay up to date on all things Tolt.
RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT WEBSITE - CLICK HERE for more information on weather related schedule changes and changes in school operations.
FLASH ALERT - Sign up for automatic emails from FlashAlert.net. These emails are tied directly to the school closure and late start media broadcast system.
DISTRICT SOCIAL MEDIA - Riverview communicates through three official platforms.
Like or follow the school district on Facebook (https://facebook.com/rsd407)
Follow the district on Instagram (@riverview407)
Follow the district on Twitter (@Riverview407)
DISTRICT CALENDAR - CLICK HERE to view the Riverview School District Calendar.